Strawberry Fields Forever

Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 11:14 AM

Today our family went on a berry excursion to Mim's.  We went to a you pick 'em strawberry farm and wow they are the plumpest and juiciest strawberries. 

Here is a shot of four of us looking for the perfect berries to pick.  We had so much fun.

Hezekiah enjoyed running up and down the strawberry field forever.

Maggie Beth was officially my best strawberry picker and helper.  Doesn't she look so adorable in her dress?  Grandma made her dress and sent it to us just before Easter. 

Eli informed me of the stages of the strawberry.  He held up these weeds and told me how it changed from one stage to another.  I did not have the heart to tell him that he had weeds not actually strawberry plants. 

These boys are so strong carrying our berries.  We ended up taking home four pounds of berries for 8 dollars. 


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