Do you share my same values?

Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 11:10 AM

Sharing the same values with someone other than your spouse to raise your children is a difficult thing to find. This is what I want to surround my family with, others who share the same values and morals that we (Page and I) do. Not that we are perfect because if you know us......really know us we are not, but that we are imperfect and aspire to hold values that we desire to hold true and to aspire to values that honor God and have a good time doing it!  Because I like to have fun!

So this is my whole "angst" as of late. I think we can do good, go to church, surround ourselves with happy little neighbors.  But one thing that we lack no matter where we reside, go to church, or try to do good or pick the best for our kids is that we do not all agree on morals and values. Even if you are Baptist, Methodist or Catholic you might find that whatever your "religion" is you just seem to find that those that "go to church" with you do not necessarily hold the same ideals for raising children as you. Is that problematic for you? Well, it is for me. I think it is that most of the time people just attend church and they may or may not have a relationship with Christ. It is not for me to judge.  But they (myself included) are just not digging into the scripture to see what the TRUTH says in order to teach and raise our and their children in a godly way. And also if there is no relationship with Christ then most likely the values that are held at home are going to be different from what mine are for me and my family.

Now, I am making an effort but I do not have a grasp on how to do this.  But seeking God's wisdom to raise my kiddos in a way that honors Him is difficult because, well, I know my kids and I know how they behave. But I want to challenge other mommies and daddies to grasp this idea of teaching our children as from Deuteronomy 6:4-8.

"Listen Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

So this is what I am hoping for.  In response to my last post, this is the reason why I see the need for me to create a compound (ha ha ha) of a family of believers that believe as I do.  To share experiences and to raise our kids together in love and respect for our Father. With families that share the same set of beliefs so that I can feel secure that my children and their minds are not being infiltrated by junk.   Oh, the responsibility we have as parents, let's not take it lightly.  It scares me!   I think I have learned as of late that children learn more by example, so I guess I need to check myself and my example that I am setting . . . Oh God help me!


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