You know what is cute about my kids and Miniwheats?
Posted by Unknown | | Posted On Monday, November 7, 2011 at 6:22 PM
My kids like frosted miniwheats.
Do you know what is cute about them and frosted miniwheats?
Well, sometimes the frosted miniwheats are attached together like a book. And they call those miniwheats that are attached Bibles.
They will count how many Bibles they have in their bowls and they are super sad if they did not get a Bible. (So I secretly try to make sure they at least each have one if I am pouring the miniwheats)!
Anyhow, they will run up to me and ask me what their Bible says. Often times I will say, "It says Jesus loves you!" Other times I come up with a random verse that over the years I have memorized. But it is just pretty stinking cute to hear them talk about their miniwheat Bibles!